Elbie the bike seat!
Let me introduce you to Life’s Best Brands mascot, Elbie! Elbie or “LB” for Life’s Best! We post photos of Elbie here as he travels, does exciting things and meets awesome people. Help us get Elbie out all over the internet so he can promote himself and our awesome bike seat! Meet Elbie!

Elbie's passion for biking
As demonstrated on our installation page Eblie will fit onto any bike seek. He has even taken the place of a moped’s seat and workout/spin bike be fore!

A dreAM
Elbie wants to drive a double decker bus! He talked about transporting 50 people at once and what a thrill he thought it must be.

Hitching a ride
Elbie is always on the move! Since he doesn’t always have his wheels he always has a person near by to help get around!
Elbie is a big fan of hide-and-go-seek!
Elbie loves games! He is not to big either. He can fit most places and because of his high quality cushion he is always comfortable!

What’s Elbie’s passion factor?
…Well, he can be hard to read

Taffy and Branson, perfect combination
Elbie discovered taffy today! Not sure if he is eating it or smelling it .
Naps, naps, and more naps!
Elbie spent part of the day hanging out with the dog Jazzy!

Our Sweet Collection
Pictures of Elbie in his favorite state: Relaxation! Elbie loves taking a rest, hanging out with his friends and sometimes…hiding away

Elbie Starts a Journey
Elbie is on the road again… And in the air… And by the sea! Keep up with Elbie in his adventures to the United Kingdom

The Island of Milos
Elbie travels through the Island of Milos. There he sees white stones, beautiful cliffs and amazing ocean views